Welcome to the k.LAB documentation

This site will contain the most current documentation for k.LAB, a semantic web software platform for science, as it is developed. At the time of this writing, no documentation has been publicly released. The links in the navigation bar offer a perspective on what this site will eventually contain, but most links are not functional yet. With the exception of the Getting started with k.LAB page, even functional links may contain incomplete information and should not be relied upon until this note is removed.
The Technical note available on this site is, at the moment, the best source of information to independently learn about k.LAB’s features and architecture. |
The k.LAB software stack powers platforms such as ARIES and applications such as ARIES for SEEA. The Integrated Modelling Partnership maintains k.LAB and the majority of the projects based on it.
Inquiries about k.LAB should be addressed to info@integratedmodelling.org.